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Showing posts from 2010

December 31, 2010

Well, it's the last day of the year and what have I accomplished in 2010. What are my highs and what are my memories for my lows. It's a question that usually resonates with me at the close of each year as we pass into the next. Too often I find myself doing the proverbial "Am I making progress or growing" or "Is my life making a difference". These sentiments, as I search my heart and soul, help me to look inside of me. To see the woman I really am - honest and without bias, realizing all my faults, strengths and flaws. You see, truly I look within and I see all those things that really should be addressed...need improvement in...and parts that need a little, oh let's just say, fine-tuning. Fortunately, I don't mind being candid with me, and I can accept personal criticism. However; knowing and applying the changes are not the same thing. In fact, one can be done without ever committing to change. Is this the goal of our reflections? Or do we look ...

The Struggle Continues

The Conscious Room THE STRUGGLE CONTINUES: The Glen Beck rally is today at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. Incidentally, today marks the anniversary of the march on Washington and the Dr. King 'I Have A Dream' speech which is remembered and recognized as the Civil Rights call to action. The call to a racist and prejudiced America that excluded Black Americans and failed to yield(not give)to our civil rights, our inalienable, God given rights to BE. Well, this speech by the late Dr. King is recognized around the world to be one of inclusion for all people. It was a clarion call to White America that we weren't going away, we were going to fight for our rights; but it was also a summons to everyone, near and far, that we were a people-strong and proud. Willing to continue on in the struggle, standing on the front line, making the march to freedom, all while singing and holding hands. It was a movement. A righteous movement of people, both rich and poor. Black a...

Why won't YOU VOTE? Truth To Power

I get so angry when I think of the millions of people who didn't bother to get up and go vote yesterday. As I listened to the news and watched the polls report in last night, my mind drifted back to the two young people who sit across from me at work. When I enthusiastically asked them whether or not they were going to vote tonight in the election, the young lady responded with a resounding "I'm not registered". Her answer to me seemed to echo ignorance to the tenth power. As I looked at this young, black sister who was a single mother who catches the bus to work everyday to work a part time job, I felt such a sense of sadness in my belly. I immediately thought of all the black women and black men who had given their lives, their time and their heart to the cause of civil rights. I dare not forget about the countless other men and women of other races and creeds who bravely stood with our freedom fighters, as they crossed lines of discrimination and prejudice accompan...
Reflections What Image Do You See? It takes all kinds of women to epitomize what real beauty looks like. Tall and short. Long hair or short hair. Dark skin or light skin and all the hues in between. Of course, I'm referring to external attributes now, and unfortunately, there are those who equate physical beauty to be far more superior to the inner beauty that a woman may possess.What is the fullness of beauty? True fairness is not something that's painted on or shaped by a window dresser. Christian Dior and Prada only dress the shell of the woman,and while her outer appearance may look stellar to some. To others, the genuine grace of her true beauty is overlooked.  The heart of her soul can't speak. It has no eyes, no hips and no form. From behind, whose concerned about her heart?When she enters the room, with no words to spare, who sees her heart and recognizes her worth? Wow, we've all heard the old saying 'beauty is in the eyes of the beholder'. Old righ...
Who Am I? So many spend their entire lives trying to answer this question. Who am I and what am I here for. I spent many years trying to figure this question out for myself. Shedding the exterior person  I allowed the world to see was humbling, painful, yet liberating all at the same time.      I was a shy, almost scary little girl who found a safe place as the middle child in a family of three never once stepping outside of character growing up in Cleveland. Growing up in a middle class, blue collar family was easy, as I never had much to do in terms of creating my own space. It was all done for me. My father was the breadwinner and my mother was fortunate enough to be able to be a homemaker. I believe I was almost 13 years old before my mother became a full time employee in the workforce. I say that to say this. I always had a voice of instruction and direction growing up. I can't remember too well coming in from school and not having my mom home. Rules I had ...

Off The Top..Somethin Like A Freestyle

When I feel like I do I can find a  place to steal away Be still, be quiet, flow in the moment,  BE If I feel like Musiq singing in my ears it's cool maybe a little Bob to trigger the militant in ME Perhaps I might vibe a little more  and wake up the chick who used to like to ride or die Ambitious As A Ridah Tupac, you're missed Or maybe  I'll find peace, resolution in the  Psalms They call me to a Higher Place Selah I feel me  today the mysteries of my soul  unwind the depths of my mind unfold to make room for  discovery SELAH

Natural and Free......Freedom TO BE ME

Freedom to be ME I honestly believe only those who have entered into the 'natural community' truly understand the liberating feeing that comes along with embracing and celebrating our natural beauty and hair. For so many years, I was a slave to the creamy crack. I HAD to perm my edges, I HAD to get at that 'kitchen' in the back, and I HAD to have my roots layed down as not to show an inch of crinkle or curl. How frustrating it became to me over the years to constantly reverse what my natural curl pattern was trying to do. I was born with this crinkle, with this curl. The question began to occur to me over time "why must you relax your hair-what is wrong with your natural hair". That thought resonated with me until I finally did the big chop in 1999 for the last time.I'd done it some years before, but being the slave to the box of Dark and Lovely or whatever else was on sale, I had to have a texturizer in it, so I wasn't completely natural. Anyway, ...

Yeah Im talkin to you

When I did this video back in October of 2009, I had not planned, nor had I rehearsed any of what I was going to say. The words and expressions I used, the flow and the rhythm; they all came together as I spoke and recorded.I suppose it was born out of my own experiences really. In hindsight when I watch this over and over again, I am reminded of why this seemed to speak to so many women. It spoke to me. This person is our friend, she's our sister. She is our cousin and our neighbor. This woman could be our niece or our mother. I don't believe 'she' is the 'every woman' Chaka Khan was referring to. It's personal....Yeah, I'm talkin to YOU! It's about relationships and cycles of emotion all weaved together and sealed with good intentions, oozing with confusion. The toxic love relationship satisfies for a time, The love affair with food satisfies for a time... Even the nonreciprocating relationships with each other, satisfy for a time, but ulti...


There are things that happen in each of our lives that can,if we are in tune with our true being, be life defining moments. Our choices and / or the decisions we make can result in whether or not you or I realize the potential our lives have. What prevents one from walking in the purpose for which they're called? Does fear deny the hungry soul from pursuing and owning the desires of his heart? Are you bound by the opinions and perceptions of what 'they' say? The answers to these questions may not easily be answered with an absolute Yes or No. I am certain there are reasons you never attempted to be the model you wanted to be. And I'm probably wouldn't have made it as a professional sports figure.. And yes, nobody would've probably ever purchased your book......            *TIME* *TIME**TIME* An inner still voice ringing out in the distance says....... Follow Your Dream........Follow Your Dream.......