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December 31, 2010

Well, it's the last day of the year and what have I accomplished in 2010. What are my highs and what are my memories for my lows. It's a question that usually resonates with me at the close of each year as we pass into the next. Too often I find myself doing the proverbial "Am I making progress or growing" or "Is my life making a difference".
These sentiments, as I search my heart and soul, help me to look inside of me. To see the woman I really am - honest and without bias, realizing all my faults, strengths and flaws. You see, truly I look within and I see all those things that really should be addressed...need improvement in...and parts that need a little, oh let's just say, fine-tuning. Fortunately, I don't mind being candid with me, and I can accept personal criticism. However; knowing and applying the changes are not the same thing. In fact, one can be done without ever committing to change.
Is this the goal of our reflections? Or do we look within ourselves with the intent of making changes that will cause us to grow?
Personally, I think we all desire personal growth and challenge ourselves to reach the goals we set before us. Certainly it would not be fruitful to daydream and hope for change, yet never set in place the necessary tools to gain the promises for which we hope. So, as we all enter into the new year; a year and days we've yet to occupy, may we all dare to dream. Dare to dream big, and in color. But as we dream, may we remember that all of our desires and goals need to be fed. They must be given the nurturing needed to stay alive, for if the light goes out, then we cannot see what is in front of us. The vision becomes fuzzy and difficult to figure out. Oh but if we keep a log in the fire, we will always be able to find our way through and to the place we're trying to go. The way may get dim at times, and we may get distracted as we attempt to go forward, but never stop moving. Commit to the process and press your way.
I'll be pressing mine...

Happy New Year~


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