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What Image Do You See?
It takes all kinds of women to epitomize what real beauty looks like. Tall and short. Long hair or short hair. Dark skin or light skin and all the hues in between.

Of course, I'm referring to external attributes now, and unfortunately, there are those who equate physical beauty to be far more superior to the inner beauty that a woman may possess.What is the fullness of beauty? True fairness is not something that's painted on or shaped by a window dresser.
Christian Dior and Prada only dress the shell of the woman,and while her outer appearance may look stellar to some. To others, the genuine grace of her true beauty is overlooked.  The heart of her soul can't speak. It has no eyes, no hips and no form. From behind, whose concerned about her heart?When she enters the room, with no words to spare, who sees her heart and recognizes her worth?
Wow, we've all heard the old saying 'beauty is in the eyes of the beholder'. Old right? But the fact of the matter is that this same old, outdated cliche of sorts really holds true.
It isn't the apparel,nor is it the roundness and fullness of her hips.
It is the authentic confidence that goes before the woman who says with nothing more than a 'hello', I'm here and I'm beautiful.
The looks mean little. The genuine beauty and authority she possesses speaks volumes and her quiet spirit never boasts or competes with anyone else's.  She's decisive and assured.Her attitude and confidence speaks for her. The richness of her smile, the way she holds her head. Her assuredness in self and of who she is makes her approachable.
Her confidence is attractive. Her self esteem is inviting.
The boldness of her walk and the rivers of wisdom that flow from her belly speak to souls and hearts. She's charming and exquisite at the same time.

In the presence of this kind of sister; I recognize a familiar spirit. Graceful and comforting...
Simple and uncomplicated...she exudes beauty and grace.

As I grow older and prayerfully wiser, it is my heart's desire to always seek after the simple, pure things. So much value is often placed on the outer package, the exterior and shell of a thing. But I say this, a quiet spirit is pleasing before the Lord. It is, to simply put it, attractive.
Full of grace, wisdom and self control. That's true beauty. The heart will speak loudly, even in a room full of people, "beauty is me".


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