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Wow! It's been a very long time since I've actually sat down to this desk and written something on my blog. I've been so out of touch with this particular part of my writing and blogging, but feel the need to UPDATE if you will allow me to do so.
I've continued to write a little bit more, here and there, along with reading just about everything I can get my hands on. A writer I'm quite fond of advised me this way: Listen and don't talk, read everything you can get your hands on and write a little everyday. I agree with his advice and find myself consciously looking for ways to 'word color' everyday. Word color? Well, quite simply, this term means to bring the words and meditations of my heart to life on paper. The pen writes and the soul will interpret. Often I say, my mind sees the images and colors and I simply put them down on paper. And while I'm not so sure where and how this journey will lead me, I feel so much better when I allow myself the space and creativity to sojourn to the secret place in me that pours out in black and white for all to see.
Today's piece is an update. An update for me. An update for you. A reminder to all to remain relevant. Disciplined and true to that which your soul cries out for. I'm not sure what kind of writer I am. Fictional, editorial, commentatary, etc. I'm just not sure....yet! It doesn't mean I'm confused, nor does it suggest I'm not serious about this craft. For me, it simply means I haven't figured it out yet, but I'm on my way.
As I write, even now, I remind myself to be secure in the place of 'doing'. It's good to be mobile and actively securing one's place in the world, no matter how long it takes. Days, months, years-keep on updating the resume, the portfolio, the book. The progress will manifest in due season.

K.Renee (off the top)


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