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Showing posts from November, 2010

The Struggle Continues

The Conscious Room THE STRUGGLE CONTINUES: The Glen Beck rally is today at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. Incidentally, today marks the anniversary of the march on Washington and the Dr. King 'I Have A Dream' speech which is remembered and recognized as the Civil Rights call to action. The call to a racist and prejudiced America that excluded Black Americans and failed to yield(not give)to our civil rights, our inalienable, God given rights to BE. Well, this speech by the late Dr. King is recognized around the world to be one of inclusion for all people. It was a clarion call to White America that we weren't going away, we were going to fight for our rights; but it was also a summons to everyone, near and far, that we were a people-strong and proud. Willing to continue on in the struggle, standing on the front line, making the march to freedom, all while singing and holding hands. It was a movement. A righteous movement of people, both rich and poor. Black a...

Why won't YOU VOTE? Truth To Power

I get so angry when I think of the millions of people who didn't bother to get up and go vote yesterday. As I listened to the news and watched the polls report in last night, my mind drifted back to the two young people who sit across from me at work. When I enthusiastically asked them whether or not they were going to vote tonight in the election, the young lady responded with a resounding "I'm not registered". Her answer to me seemed to echo ignorance to the tenth power. As I looked at this young, black sister who was a single mother who catches the bus to work everyday to work a part time job, I felt such a sense of sadness in my belly. I immediately thought of all the black women and black men who had given their lives, their time and their heart to the cause of civil rights. I dare not forget about the countless other men and women of other races and creeds who bravely stood with our freedom fighters, as they crossed lines of discrimination and prejudice accompan...